Green Fest
Ever noticed how much waste there is at conferences and festivals? We have and we want to do something about it. The Embolden Festival has a Green Team to minimise waste and the harm that our Festival does to the Planet. Below is our generic plan to minimise waste - and our achievements are listed in the report on congress each year.
The plan
Here is the list of our achievements from #Embolden2019. We aim to improve on this each year and share it with other conferences and festivals to inspire others.
- Promotional flyers and postcards with plastic film: didn't realise those we printed online in 2018 had plastic film. In 2019 all promotional materials were electronic
- Printed program with abstracts: no abstracts - plenary sessions so participants don't need abstracts to select sessions. Explore option for printing program on Envirocare 100% recycled paper with vegetable inks (PrintTogether)
- Program ring binder and plastic cover: program was printed as a four page fold out
- Lanyards and plastic name tags: thick name tags on recycled card were used, tied with paper ribbon to pin
- Fashion Parade program: provide most details on line and print A4 sheet black and white
- Fashion Parade masks for participants: seek alternative or paper options
- Coffee cart cups: compostable cups and lids were provided (next time need to work out composting options)
- Drink bottles: we asked delegates to bring their own and keep a table filled with water jugs
- Satchels: were not provided
- Satchel inserts: provided hyperlinks to partner/sponsors online only
- Disposable cutlery: the catering company provided biodegradable cutlery
- Food waste: adjusted catering when numbers were confirmed and provided fresh fruit to compliment catering - so surplus can be taken home by delegates
- Banner: used banner from last year and printed banner for podium onto tea towel that was given away as spot prizes.
If you would like to participate in our Green Team for an Embolden Festival please contact us using the details below.